
Showing posts from January, 2022

January 25th - Back to Normality

You may have noticed I have not posted in a few weeks, this is because of multiple reasons, firstly I was working away in the USA and although I could have posted I do find it more difficult to post things using my phone, Also since my return home I have not exactly been feeling 100%, Don't get me wrong I am fine but I have had various things going on which have kept me away from my blogging. So the USA was great anyway, I was staying in Florida and I managed a few local shirtless runs which was not difficult in any way as it was generally in the mid to high teens temperature wise, the only thing that made it difficult was all the locals dressed up in all their layers thinking it is really cold where I am sweating like mad. I swam in the hotel pool daily which was heated so was far too warm but generally it was a great trip. Since my return home I have managed 2 swims in the sea, this happened to coincide with a time when everyone I know has said how extra cold it has been feeling ...

January 5th - Sunsets and Rainbows

     Those of you who follow my blog will know I have been a bit stressed this week, In my last post ( click here  to read) I mentioned that I am travelling to Florida for work on Monday, other people have been passing their worries and stresses about the trip onto me. Well worry not as I have those stresses under control and I am in a much better place mentally. This is partly due to the fact that I managed to get my issues written down in this blog, so thanks for letting me vent.       Another reason I have managed to deal with this stress is the kind words of friends around me, I have had some lovely support from my other half Nat, a wonderful supportive message from Tim and a good chat with Ann too, all these little things make me realise that I am doing the right thing and that no one really means to pass their stresses onto me, its actually nice that people are concerned.      The final reason I have dealt with the stress is b...

January 3rd 2022 - "I Don't Know"

New Years day parkrun      Something I have not mentioned on this blog before is my job, and there is no need to mention it because it is completely unrelated to the subject of this blog, I do however consider myself extremely lucky in that I occasionally get to travel to some amazing destinations for work. Last summer I was asked if I would attend an event in Florida, after some thought I said yes and the tickets were purchased and the arrangements were made.  Moving forward to the last week and as you can imagine I am now super stressed about the situation, Florida seems to be the Covid capital of the world and travel at the moment is a costly and stressful nightmare. Those reasons however are NOT the reason why I am stressed, let me explain something to you first.       I love travelling, I do get a little stressed at times but generally I go with the flow and I am happy. When the current Covid situation heightened I figured the best thing to d...